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How To Change Your Hairstyle & Color with Helpfull

There’s a lot that goes into picking a winning hairdo. From colors to cuts, product and styles - when you’re making considerations for your new look, it’s best to get a second opinion.

February 5, 2023

How To Change Your Hairstyle & Color with Helpfull

From the clothing we wear, to the makeup we purchase, and the cars we drive - we as humans are always looking for new and exciting ways to express our individuality. One of the most immediate and recognizable forms of self expression is the way we choose to wear our hair. While not everyone is blessed with golden follicles and a full head of curls, styling one’s hair is a universally-enjoyable activity that is shared throughout every culture across the world.

Since the dawn of time, people have been looking for ways to style up their ‘do. Changing the way you wear your hair - or even the color of your locks - can have an immediate and stunning effect on the profile of your face. Aside from cosmetic enhancements, choosing a new hairstyle is one of the most impactful ways someone can change their appearance.

Depending on the type of hair that you have and your hairstyle goals, there are a few simple considerations anyone should make before looking at shaking up their look:

  • What kind of product will you need to maintain your style?
  • How much effort are you willing to put into styling your hair?
  • Is your hairstyle going to be accepted by your place of work?

If you’re looking to dye your hair:

  • Are you looking to go lighter? Darker?
  • Are you looking to enhance the vibrancy of your current shade?
  • Are you looking for natural colors, or something bold and bright?
  • Are you looking for a full dye-job, or just highlights?

Using Helpfull community polling, anyone can test their style and color questions before a selection of accommodating panelists. In combination with color-mock-up apps and color quizzes, Helpfull surveying is the best option for removing doubt from any change of appearance - no matter how major.

How to Find The Right New Hairstyle or New Look

Finding the right style and color for your profile can be a headache.

If you’re someone like me, you’ve experienced post-haircut regret on a semi-regular basis; it’s not just about finding a style you like, but a style that works for the shape of your head and the kind of hair you have.

It may seem like settling, but finding a hairstyle and color that plays to the natural strengths of your hair is often the best choice. Taking a quick quiz about the different qualities of your hair and the goals you have related to hairstyles is an easy way to ground your decision-making process. L’ORÉAL, Garnier, and most other major hair care product manufacturers host surveys and quizzes on their websites designed to help find your next look.

Find The Right New Hairstyle or New Look

The use of a few simple applications can make a world of difference when developing ideas for your new look. The ability to color your hair on the fly with an app means that you can test any and call color choices your heart desires; with Helpfull, surveying your peers and getting immediate feedback on your new look can be accomplished in less than a half-hour.

With Redken’s Hair Color Change App, all you need to do is upload a clear, high-quality photo of your face. From there, the application automatically masks out your hair; then, all you need to do is select your color options. The app colors your hair in real-time, allowing users to test a variety of color options.

Downloading all of your favorite mock-ups from the Redken app, users are then ready to begin surveying and testing their color options with our Helpfull panelists.

Survey #1 - Split Option Testing For Color Choices

To get the best feedback on your hair color considerations, you’ll want to run a split-option image-comparison test. Helpfull’s surveys currently allow up to eight images to be tested with one survey - meaning you can test up to eight unique colors and looks at once!

Once you’ve designed all of your test looks with the Redken app or a similar hair-color visualization app, you’re ready to send your survey. For this first survey, we asked 100 Helpfull panelists to vote on the best hair color for our test model.

Helpfull panelists to vote on the best hair color for our test model
Helpfull panelists comments on the best hair color for our test model

While there were four color styles to choose from, our Helpfull audience gravitated heavily towards two that were the most natural-looking. The Dark Brown does a fine job of highlighting our model’s facial features; however, nearly half of the audience tested voted (quite enthusiastically) for the Charcoal.

In less than 20 minutes, we were able to garner dozens of personal insights from our Helpfull panelists. They shared with us their anecdotes on past hair-coloring experiences, shared advice on choosing stylists, and even weighed the different color options against our model’s skin tone and eye color.

Survey #2 - Change Your Look With Feedback

The Helpfull community is always ready to give considered and reliable feedback - for anyone. Our moderators work to ensure that that all pollsters follow community guidelines to keep our users safe; and with a wide option of polling demographics to choose from, users can choose their target audience. You choose who you hear from. These are just a few of the qualities that make Helpfull the perfect place to test bold and extravagant style changes.

For our second color survey, we tested four bold and unique color options on our model. When testing new shades with the color visualizer app, the sky’s the limit!

 second color survey with the color visualizer app
comments on hair style for best unique style

In less than 20 minutes, our Helpfull had flooded our poll with praise for each color option. Their considered advice and positive critique provides us with clear insight into how each color option might impact our public perception. Ultimately, the Helpfull panelists were wowed by the warm, inviting Polished Ruby; they found the color best complemented our model’s smile, her style of dress, and would not contrast the natural color of her eyebrows.

Survey #3 - Find Your Best Unique Style

Obviously, there is more to a hairstyle than just the color. Getting a haircut is often a months-long commitment; wouldn’t you want to know if it was going to look good ahead of time, if you could? Testing your styles before you commit to a cut could spare you weeks of regret.

And of course, there are times where simply choosing a hairstyle for an occasion can be difficult. We’ve all had a job-interview, recital, or similar formal-function we look to spice up our look with an exciting new hairdo.

For our last experiment, the Helpfull community gave us feedback on three different style choices - all for the same model. We wanted to test if Helpfull could give “us” critique on how we should wear our hair for our upcoming head-shots. As an aspiring actress, it’s important to have a glamorous head-shot - especially when it comes to finding new work.

feedback on three different style choices all for the same model
Find Your Best Unique Style

In less than a half-hour, the panelists came together to choose how we’ll wear our hair. The long, wavy look appealed to the largest portion of our polling recipients. With nearly 50% of the audience standing behind this look, our odds of landing that job with some winning head-shots are looking great!

Create Stunning Looks With Helpfull Feedback

There’s a lot that goes into picking a winning hairdo. From colors to cuts, product and styles - when you’re making considerations for your new look, it’s best to get a second opinion. With Helpfull, community panelists from demographics you choose are ready to give you considered, friendly feedback on whatever ails you - or your follicles.

An intuitive user-interface, coupled with the ability to gather hundreds of consumer responses in just minutes, are just a few of the features that make Helpfull the ultimate tool for any artist, designer, marketer - or anyone!

Revitalize your look with Helpfull - sign up today!

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