Validate Your Business Idea

Why take a risk when your business is involved? Get instant feedback from thousands of people to ensure you're on the right track.

Using business surveys informs your decisions

Ensure Your Idea is on the Right Track

Use concept validation testing to ensure the viability of your business idea prior to launch. After all there's nothing worse than designing a new product or service, investing time and resources into development, then finding out that your target market isn't interested.

Use the power of surveys to confirm your business strategy at the outset. Gain valuable insights from an early stage, and know when to discontinue, pivot, or continue with a concept.

business surveys to track financial success

Business Idea vs Concept Validation

Both types of validation are important to make sure that your new product or service is ready for a successful launch. Thankfully, Helpfull supports both validation processes for businesses.

Business Idea Validation

Focuses on assessing the market demand for a new product or service idea.

May involve: conducting market research, learning about consumer preferences, and discovering how to position your new idea in the market.

Real-time feedback platform for businesses

Concept Idea Validation

Focuses on evaluating the viability of a specific product or service within an existing market. Typically, a minimum viable product (MVP) has already been created.

May involve: UI/UX testing, webcam-enabled product walkthroughs with users, and more.

Custom built survey
online team meeting

Confirm Your Target Audience

The right product-market fit can make all the difference in the success of your business. Make sure that you find the right target audience for your product or service before investing the time and money to launch.

Target audience validation can help you determine if your business idea is actually needed in the market, and who you can most effectively market to.

Find Your Competitive Positioning

What makes your product or service stand out?

Use surveys to refine your offering and figure out how to differentiate yourself from competitors. Find out market must-have features, where competitors fall short, and how to best position your business in a crowded market.

Improve Trial Preparation
Realistic Perspectives On the Testaments

Iterate & Improve on Product MVPs

Once a MVP or product prototype is ready, you can use Helpfull to test them with real users. Find where the gaps are, use A/B testing to track iterations, and dramatically improve your product prior to launch.

In addition to products, you can use surveys to get feedback on your marketing website, logo, online storefront, and more.

Validation Checklist

The following checklist will guide you to efficient business idea validation:

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Develop assumptions about your idea
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Develop the minimum success criteria for your idea
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Define your target users
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Confirm the market demand for the idea and test for assumptions
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Develop a minimum viable product with enough features for testing
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Send out surveys to assess your concept or prototype, then proceed or pivot as needed.
Benefits of surveys for business
Types of questions business surveys can answer

Benefits of Idea Validation

Validation allows you to achieve business success faster by reducing the risk of failure.

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Gather data to inform stakeholders and investors
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Speed up product development
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Validate product-market fit
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Minimize financial risk

Receive real feedback from consumers on your product or service at all stages of the development cycle.

As a developer of products and services, I love the ability to crowdsource feedback on-demand. Helpfull makes this very easy at a good price point with a wonderful UI and UX

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Max A
President - Consumer Goods

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